Check out some highlights of Safra

Has shown stable performance across a wide range of environments and good yield potential.

Technology: PRO 3NON GMO
  • Precoce

Hybrid with earliness and with wide adaptation at different sowing times.

Technology: PRO 2PRO 3NON GMO
  • Superprecoce

Super early hybrid with a high productive ceiling, combined with a wide environmental adaptation.

Technology: NON GMO
  • Superprecoce

Super early hybrid with excellent cost-benefit

Technology: NON GMO
  • Superprecoce
Catálogo Santa Helena Sementes

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Escolha a sua região:

Agroceres Group Companies

Animal Nutrition
Swine Genetics
Sementes de Milho e Sorgo
Cultured Hearts of Palm
Crop Protection
Vegetal Nutrition